Monday, May 30, 2011

Best Bath Ever!

Dear Field Diary,

Life among the Grownups is both Strange and Interesting. Here are my favorite Things:

Corn Chips
Strawberry Milk
Backrubs from the daddy

Which brings me to What Matters About This Weekend. I must be succeeding in Blending In and being accepted as part of the Tribe, because the daddy and mommy took me with them yesterday to a Grownup Place. It was the Biggest Bath I've Ever Seen. Grownups and other undercover Toddlers were splashing around, and I had a floating Frog to sit in and I splashed the water with my Hands and was so full of Giggles. It was the Best Bath Ever. I didn't want to ever leave; I could have stayed all day and all night. I kicked my feet in the Water and the Grownups clapped their hands and the mommy called it Swimming.

Also all the Grownups were full of Giggles, too. Finally, Something Grownups and us have in Common. It's about Time. I'm putting this in my official report to the Toddler Research Society.

Rule of Grownup Culture # 49:

Water makes Grownups happy, too.

Your faithful toddler anthropologist,

Baby River

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